Microsoft Flight Simulator X Deluxe Single Link full Version

Download Pc Games Microsoft Flight Simulator X Deluxe
Review :
From award winning game developer ACES comes Flight Simulator X . The latest installment will include the usual genre leading realism that continues to awe real pilotz and will serve as the graphical benchmark for games on Windows Vista . Additionally , Flight Simulator X will deliver for the first time structured game play with more than 80 missions to choose from which will test the skills of players of all levels . [Microsoft]  
 Take to the skies again as “  Microsoft Flight Simulator X ” puts pilots back in the cockpit for more than 80 missions set all over the world . Want more ? Try the thrilling multiplayer mode where you can race your friends for victory and bragging rights. “Microsoft Flight Simulator ” delivers that sense of immersive realism that only the award winning Flight Simulator series brings to flight sim fans . And with advanced DX-10 graphics , heading into the wild blue yonder has never looked so good.
  • New Mission s: 20 new missions , in Law Enforcement and Rescue , Astronautics , Racing , and Backcountry , will give pilots more chances to soar . Head to the Rockies to fight forest fires or fly relief supplies to the Congo . With the world beneath you , anywhere is possible.
  • Dynamic Living World : Watch as the world under you comes to life , from the gates and fuel trucks at your local airport to the hustle and bustle of cities . Experience the challenges of landing at your local airport as day turns to night and as the seasons change .
  • Multiplayer Racing : Race against friends online in challenges such as Red Bull Aerobatics , Sailplane , Cross Country , and Reno High Speed .
  • All in One Package : For the first time , “ Microsoft Flight Simulator X Deluxe ” gives players the chance to purchase “ Microsoft Flight Simulator X ” and “ Microsoft Flight Simulator X: Acceleration ” together in one bundle.

Minimum Spek
OS : Windows XP SP , Vista atau Windows 7
Processor : 1 GHz , atau diatasnya
Memory : 512MB
Hard disk space : 14 GB
Video : Directx 9 compatible

Cara Install
1. Mount menggunakan daemon tools
2. Install Game
3. Download Updatenya, lalu install
4. Download crack lalu ekstrak ke folder game
5. Mainkan

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  1. kok link nya kagak bisa om?? mohon pencerahannya oom..

  2. ini include pesawatnya apa aja ya mas?

  3. mas, kok waktu diinstall muncul " insert the disk labeled : FSX disk 2 "

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  4. udah ane mount semua disknya terus waktu install mau selesai malah "Please Insert the disk labeled : FSX disk 2"

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      jangan dua duanya di mount,,

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