Wolfenstein The New Order Single Link Iso Full Version

[GameGokil.com] Wolfenstein The New Order Single Link Iso Full Version
Review [Indo] :
Tahun 1946: Europe. Perang Dunia II mengamuk di seluruh Eropa . Dimana Sekutu selalu menekan keuntungan, pasukan Nazi telah mengubah air pasang dengan cara dramatis di belakang mesin perang berteknologi maju. "Jenderal Wilhelm Strasse, alias Deathshead". Ketika serangan Sekutu berakhir pada  Deathshead , harapan terbesar Sekutu 'jatuh pada saat itu. 1960: Europe . Perang sudah usai. Dan Nazi adalah pemenang kemenangan. Menggunakan kekuatan tak henti-hentinya dan meng intimidasi  secara brutal, Nazi telah membawa negara yang paling kuat untuk bertekuk lutut kepada mereka. Rezim Nazi sekarang memerintah dunia dengan tangan besi. Anda sebagai Kapten BJ Blazkowicz, American War Hero Setelah menggali ke dalam dunia ini dari kegelapan, Anda harus meluncurkan  kontra-serangan mustahil terhadap rezim Nazi yang mengerikan. Hanya Anda yang berani berdiri melawan tentara tak terbendung Nazi robot raksasa dan super Soldiers. Hanya Anda dapat menghentikan Deathshead. Hanya Anda dapat menulis ulang sejarah.

Review [English] :
1946 : Europ e. World War II rages on across Europe . Where the Allies once pressed advantage , the Nazi forces have turned the tide in dramatic fashion behind the technologically advanced war machine of General Wilhelm Strasse , aka Deathshead . When a final Allied assault on Deathshead's compound fails , the Allies ’ greatest hope falls with it . 1960 : Europe. The war is over. And the Nazis are triumphant victors . Using unrelenting force and brutal intimidation , the Nazis have brought even the most powerful nations to their knees . The Nazi regime now rules the globe with an iron fist . You are Captain B.J. Blazkowicz , the American War Hero . After delving into this world of darkness , you must launch an impossible counter offensive against the monstrous Nazi regime . Only you dare stand up against an unstoppable army of Nazi robots and hulking Super Soldiers . Only you can stop Deathshead . Only you can rewrite history.

[GameGokil.com] Wolfenstein The New Order Single Link Iso Full Version

[GameGokil.com] Wolfenstein The New Order Single Link Iso Full Version

[GameGokil.com] Wolfenstein The New Order Single Link Iso Full Version

[GameGokil.com] Wolfenstein The New Order Single Link Iso Full Version

[GameGokil.com] Wolfenstein The New Order Single Link Iso Full Version

Minimum Spek
OS : Windows 7 / 8 64bit
Processor  : Intel Core i7
Memory : 4GB
Hard disk space : 50GB
VGA : Geforce 460 / Radeon HD6850

Cara Install
1. Mount
2. Install Game
3. Copy crack ke folder game
4. Mainkan

Download Game Wolfenstein The New Order Direct Link [ 43,6 GB ]
