Cities XL Platinum Single Link Iso Full Version

Cities XL Platinum Single Link Iso Full Version

Review Indo:
Membangun kota, Membentuk dunia.
Cities XL Platinum memungkinkan Anda merancang, membangun dan menghubungkan kota-kota dari segala bentuk dan ukuran di  setiap dunia Cities XL!
Membangun kota akan lebih mengesankan daripada sebelumnya !Cities XL Platinum akan menawarkan lebih dari 1.000
  macam bangunan dan konstruksi (termasuk  50 struktur terbaru),  Anda dapat dengan bebas menempatkan lebih dari 60 peta raksasa, membangun  beragam medan dan tingkat yang luar biasa detail.
Dalam Game ini,Anda Mengambil peran sebagai walikota virtual dalam mencari solusi untuk masalah yang dihadapi para perencana kota modern. Masalah tersebut diantaranya kurangnya energi dan transportasi umum , pertumbuhan kebutuhan warga yang terus  naik dan menemukan keseimbangan sempurna antara berbagai layanan seperti perumahan, rekreasi, dan lapangan kerja. Bangunlah kota sebaik mungkin  dan dirikan jaringan perdagangan dengan kota-kota tetangga untuk memastikan keberhasilan keuangan berskala besar dengan jaringan yang semakin kompleks !

Review English :
Build cities , shape a world .  
Cities XL Platinum lets you design , build and link up cities of all shapes and sizes around the Cities XL planet ! Build more impressive cities than ever before ! Cities XL Platinum offers a huge variety of over 1, 000  buildings and constructions ( including 50 brand new structures ) , that you can freely place on more than 60 gigantic maps , offering varied terrain and an incredible level of detail .
 Take on the role of virtual mayor and find solutions to the problems faced by modern city planners like energy shortages and public transportation . Answer the growing needs of your citizens and find the perfect balance between various services such as housing , recreation , and employment . Specialize your cities and set up a trade network with neighboring towns to ensure large scale financial success with an increasingly complex network of cities !


Cities XL Platinum Gameplay

Cities XL Platinum Gameplay

Cities XL Platinum Gameplay

Minimum Spek
OS : Windows XP / Vista/7
Processor : Intel Dual Core/AMD X2
Memory : 2GB
Hard disk space : 6GB
VGA : NVIDIA GeForce 8500GT / ATI Radeon HD 2600

Cara Install
1. Mount menggunakan daemon tools
2. Install Game via Autoplay
3. Copy crack ke folder game
4. Mainkan

Download Game Cities XL Platinum


  1. the application has failed to start because its side-by-side configuration is incorrect. please see the application event log or use the command-line sxstrace.exe tool for more detail . itu gagal nya dmna gan? tolong gan

    1. Solusinya ada disini gan,,monggo langsung ke TKP :

      Fix error City XL Platinum

      Ringkasan :
      Go to google and type in the following to download:
      Microsoft visual 2005 c++ redistributable x86
      Microsoft visual 2005 sp1 c++ redistributable x86
      Microsoft visual 2008 c++ redistributable x86
      Microsoft visual 2008 sp1 c++ redistributable x86
      Microsoft visual 2008 ALT c++ redistributable x86
      Microsoft visual 2010 c++ redistributable x86
      Microsoft visual 2010 sp1 c++ redistributable x86 -

      If your on a 64-bit system, ALSO get the 64bit versions:
      Microsoft visual 2005 c++ redistributable x64
      Microsoft visual 2005 sp1 c++ redistributable x64
      Microsoft visual 2008 c++ redistributable x64
      Microsoft visual 2008 sp1 c++ redistributable x64
      Microsoft visual 2008 ALT c++ redistributable x64
      Microsoft visual 2010 c++ redistributable x64
      Microsoft visual 2010 sp1 c++ redistributable x64

      First, Uninstall any and all Microsoft visual c++ redistributable using the control panel.
      Then install them in the order I listed.
      Then run windows update. Install all of the updates.
      Then run windows update again. Install all of the updates.


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