Counter Strike Global Offensive Single Link Iso Full Version

Counter Strike Global Offensive Single Link Iso Full Version

Review Indo :
Counter-Strike: Global Offensive merupakan pengembangan Game FPS terpopupoler dengan gameplay berbasis tim yang dirintis oleh  Half-Life : "Counter-Strike" . CS : GO memiliki fitur peta , karakter, ,senjata , yang baru dan memberikan versi update dari versi klasik Counter-Strike . Selain itu, CS: GO akan memperkenalkan mode gameplay baru, matchmaking, pemimpin score, danmasih  banyak lagi.

Review English :
Counter-Strike : Global Offensive expands upon the team based action gameplay that it pioneered with Half-Life : Counter-Strike . CS : GO features new maps , characters , and weapons , and delivers updated versions of the classic CS content . In addition , CS : GO introduces new gameplay modes,  matchmaking , leader boards , and more .

Counter Strike Global Offensive Single Link Iso Full Version

Counter Strike Global Offensive Single Link Iso Full Version

Counter Strike Global Offensive Single Link Iso Full Version

Minimum Spek
OS : Windows XP/Vista/7
Processor : Intel Core2Duo E6600 or better
Memory : 2GB
Hard disk space : 5GB
VGA : NVIDIA GeForce GT520 / ATI Radeon HD 6480

Cara Install
1. Mount menggunakan daemon tools
2. Install Game via Autoplay
3. Mainkan (fully cracked)

How to change the language to english?
You can do is to go to rev.ini and change the language from Russian to English . That will change the language for the options

Download Game Counter Strike Global Offensive [2,43 GB]


  1. klo online ane gak jadi download :3

  2. mainnya gimana?
    kalo udah selesai instal gatau mainnya yang mana

  3. "cannot create file rev.ini access is denied" kenapa itu? ngapain di post kalo kaga bisa?

  4. udah download 2gb lebih, banyak file yg corupt


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