Tom Clancy’s H.A.W.X 2 (Game Mengendarai Pesawat Tempur)


Tom Clancy’s H.A.W.X. 2 plunges fans into an explosive environment where they can become elite aerial soldiers in control of the world's most technologically advanced aircraft. The game will appeal to a wide array of gamers as players will have the chance to control exceptional pilots trained to use cutting edge technology in amazing aerial warfare missions

Minimum Spek
OS: Windows XP/Vista/7
Processor: Intel Dual Core/AMD X2
Memory: 2GB
Hard disk space: 6GB
VGA: NVIDIA GeForce 8500GT/ATI Radeon HD2600

Cara Install
1. Mount menggunakan daemon tools
2. Install Game via Autoplay
3. Install Update
3. Copy crack ke folder game
4. Mainkan

Download Game H.A.W.X 2 [6,26 GB]


  1. instal game via autoplay maksutnya apa gan? via autorun gitu ya? atau gimana? trus instal updatenya tinggal kliks instal gitu?


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