Deadfall Adventures Single Link Iso Full Version

[] Deadfall Adventures Single Link Iso Full Version

Review [Indo] :
Deadfall Adventures merupakan game bergenre petualangan klasik yang menggabungkan dengan tindakan serba cepat yang terkait dengan First Person Shooters. Terletak di lokasi eksotis seperti reruntuhan Maya , kota terlarang, tanah terlantar beku/subur, dan hutan tropis - deadfall Adventures akan membawa  pemain pada petualangan seru yang ditetapkan pada akhir tahun 1930-an .

Review [English] :
Deadfall Adventures takes the classic adventure genre and combines it with fast paced action associated with First Person Shooters . Set in exotic locations such as ancient Mayan ruins , forbiden cities , frozen wastelands and lush , tropical jungles - Deadfall Adventures takes the player on a whirlwind adventure set in the late 1930 's

[] Deadfall Adventures Single Link Iso Full Version

[] Deadfall Adventures Single Link Iso Full Version

[] Deadfall Adventures Single Link Iso Full Version

[] Deadfall Adventures Single Link Iso Full Version
Minimum Spek
OS : Windows XP SP3
Processor : Intel Core2Duo 2Ghz
Memory : 2GB
Hard disk space : 6.5GB
VGA : GeForce 9600GT/Radeon HD3830

Cara Install
1. Mount
2. Install
3. Copy crack ke folder game
4. Mainkan

Download Game Deadfall Adventures Direct Link [6.77 GB]
