Transformers Rise of the Dark Spark Single Link Iso Full Version

[] Transformers Rise of the Dark Spark Single Link Iso Full Version

Review [Indo] : 
Perjalanan Pertarungan melalui Bumi dan Kesatuan Cybertron  dalam pertempuran yang tak terlupakan untuk dalam mengamankan Dark Spark. Permainan diperluas hingga empat pemain co-op modus eskalation online dengan pertahanan upgradeable baru dan Daya Musuh menantang . Sistem leveling baru mencakup eskalasicampaign dan escalation, memungkinkan pemain untuk membuka reward yang akan membantu perkembangan di kedua mode.

Review [English] :
  Fight your way through both Earth and Cybertron universes in an unforgettable battle to secure the Dark Spark . Play the expanded four player co op online escalation mode with new upgradeable defenses and challenging Power Foes . The new leveling system spans campaign and escalation , allowing players to unlock rewards that will aid progression in both modes .

[] Transformers Rise of the Dark Spark Single Link Iso Full Version

[] Transformers Rise of the Dark Spark Single Link Iso Full Version

[] Transformers Rise of the Dark Spark Single Link Iso Full Version

[] Transformers Rise of the Dark Spark Single Link Iso Full Version
Minimum Spek
OS : Windows Vista
Processor : Intel Core2Duo 2.6Ghz
Memory : 2GB
Hard disk space : 10GB
VGA : Geforce 8800GT / Radeon HD 4850

Cara Install
1. Mount
2. Install Game
3. Copy crack ke folder game
4. Mainkan

Download Game Transformers Rise of the Dark Spark [9,39 GB]


  1. Bisa dipesan aja ga mas, berapa harganya, soalnya klo mau download ga mampu speed nya ditempat saya..?



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